Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Post # 4 - Counterfeit Products
The word "counterfeit" applies to any product that is fake. For example, you can buy counterfeit Levi jeans, counterfeit music, counterfeit watches or bags, and counterfeit computer software. Write a paragraph or more comparing a counterfeit product with the original product. Talk about price, quality, and where you can buy it. Is it a good idea to buy this product, or not?
The word "counterfeit" applies to any product that is fake.For example, you can buy counterfeit Levi bags more comparing with the original product.First of all ,The origina Levi bag price was 140-160dollars and the counterfeit Levi bag price was 20-30 dollars.Secondly,The origina Levi bag quality might use for 3-5years and the counterfeit Levi bag might use 1-2years.Finally,If you want to buy cheapest Levi bag ,you can go to the winner store or the biggest cross iron mall in the Calgaary . Every month last friday the price is low and the discount 60-70% in the mall.
I think bags have many fake products and we can't compare with real product because it's really same.